Online Degree Planet is a part of the Enlightened Planet Online network, hosted and facilitated by DigiGuru LitMan. From the time he was a small child, DigiGuru LitMan has been devoted to the practice of Yoga. He studied for years in Mysore under the tutelage of Krishnamacharya and then began to travel throughout the world. In addition to studying yoga DigiGuru LitMan began to add to his studies that of nutrition sciences, fitness, world meditation practices, astrology and so much more.

DigiGuru taught yoga as he traveled, spreading the knowledge of Patanjali and the Vedic classics throughout central and Western Asia and eventually into the Europe and the Continents of the Southern Hemisphere.

Holding multiple degrees, both earned and honorary, in the focus areas of Health and Wellness, DigiGuru continues to spread his Enlightened approach to living to all corners of the earth through a network of online learning sites he called Enlightened Planet Online.


Online Degree Planet

Once upon a time there was no internet.  During those dark ages (haha!) the world’s information and education was isolated to books, classrooms and libraries.  With the birth of the internet there was an explosion of communication and knowledge could be accessed with the simple click of a mouse.

Study for betterment and education have also moved online and DigiGuru LitMan has created an easy to navigate repository of the courses and online degree programs now available to help people better themselves and their futures.

Check out the site below to see the best of online degree courses and college or continuing education level certifications now available from the comfort of your living room couch and laptop.